Thursday, February 26, 2009


Texas ripper Nick Parenti hit the road with some friends from AZ and came through town for a day. We took them by some of the local favorites. First stop Channel Street.

from over the bridge to under the bridge

Ray Zimmerman stopped by and got a couple of pics of the session.

Ollie to the Flat Wall

Then we headed over to Burger's Bowl. After a minor pool draining session we got busy with the ShamWow to finish it up. The drain was leaking so the ShamWow found a permanant home at the bottom of the pool.


Road Crew

Chris Hamrock- Back Smith over the hip
Chicken stopped by and got some sequences of Nick destroying the pool.
Double Double
Double Double
Smith Bomb
Shallow End Smith Bomb
Love Seat Back Tail
Love Seat Back Tail

We'll have some video from the sessions up soon.
Rip it up.


Check out THIS VIDEO of Schroeder at one of his swimming holes from THRASHER's site.

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

CLAUS GRABKE: Interview by Lars Fredriech

If you speak German you're hyped.

Saturday, February 14, 2009


Here's a couple of quick sequences of Chris Cudlipp
cudlipp- oside
f/s Pivot Fakie
cudlipp- fs flip
f/s Flip pic:MRZ


Stylish Ollie by Remy Stratton at the Rumble in Ramona

Friday, February 6, 2009


Shops can order from Fundamental Distribution

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

NATHAN GROFF- Stoke of the Day

Old pic of little ripper, Nathan Groff, on Thrashers Stoke of the Day